New Land Management Specialist

A newly hired Land Management Specialist will be taking over the responsibility for Crimson Lake Provincial Park including reviewing applications, conducting inspections, and responding to requests/inquiries associated with the Crimson Lake cottage and dock dispositions.

His name is Jeffrey Froese, he can be contacted via email ( or phone (403-340-7052). Jeff is based in Red Deer.

heavy equipment working the boat launch in shallow water
  • Cottage inspection frequency is under currently under review, it is likely that it will be a longer duration than every 2 years between inspections. Only the docks will be inspected this year during Fall 2022 to ensure legislative requirements regarding docks and associated structures are being met by all cottage disposition holders.
  • Reminder that all docks, boat lifts, mooring, or platforms are to either meet the Dock Disturbance Standard ( or have the DLO application submitted by March 31, 2023 for those preferring to keep their existing permanent dock as per the attached letter.
  • All Cottage disposition holders are reminded to ensure they adhere to the Cottage Lot Development and Maintenance Standards for Crimson Lake Provincial Park. The document is attached and indicates when an application is required, the application process and the expected lot and structure standards. This does not apply to any areas outside of the disposition boundary regardless of past use (unless an Encroachment Agreement was issued and is still valid). For example, if wanting to place gravel on a driveway, create/upgrade/replace access to the lake, or cut any type of vegetation (including grass mowing) outside the disposition boundary then prior written authorization from the Department is required.
  • Encroachment Agreements are currently under review and the issuance of any new ones are not being considered at this time.

Copyright 2025
Crimson Lake Cottage Owners Association